Our Approach

Independence is the core of our business approach. Integrity and honesty are core values of our business operations. They guide our decision making and our approach to advisory, our employees, our research, and our clients. This approach also includes an analysis of nonfinancial factors. We offer ESG advisory services to all our corporate clients, in order to help them reduce their ESG risks and take advantage of opportunities they have in a world transitioning to become more sustainable. Our research includes ESG considerations and provides ESG information for the companies we cover to help our clients make better decisions.

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Investing in our People

The expertise and dedication of our employees is fundamental in meeting our clients’ needs and exceeding their expectations. We are committed to supporting our people and conduct employee surveys which help to inform and nurture a collaborative and productive working environment. We have recently implemented a new governance structure which enables greater participation and flow of ideas across all levels of the organisation.


Ethics Policy

Panmure Liberum maintains a robust whistle blowing policy in accordance with FCA regulation, ensuring ‘in confidence with confidence’ procedure. The policy aims to provide an internal, confidential mechanism for reporting, investigating and remedying wrongdoing. Panmure Liberum supports whistle-blowers, protecting their anonymity where possible and ensures against detrimental treatment of whistle-blowers with appropriate safeguards and procedures. 

Independent thinking

Panmure Liberum encourages an entrepreneurial mindset and approach to development.  Training and development programmes are offered alongside ‘on the job’ learning and shadowing. We are strong believers in the mentoring of junior employees, offering support and invaluable tools for progression as they navigate their careers.

Equal Opportunities

Panmure Liberum regards its employees as its most valuable resource, and continually invests in its people via training and communication to maintain an environment of respect for all.

As an equal opportunities employer, Panmure Liberum seeks to ensure the equality of treatment and opportunity available to all existing and potential employees irrespective of age, race, religion, sexuality, gender or marital status. Procedures relating to the assessment of applicants are reviewed regularly to ensure they remain free from discrimination.

Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to hiring individuals with skills that enhance our culture and strategy. We consider candidates on merit rather than against objective criteria, with due regard to the benefits of diversity when considering candidates.

We celebrate individuality and recognise this diversity makes us more resilient and effective in delivering on the needs of our clients. Recognising the gender and ethnic imbalance within the industry as a whole, we are making progress to improve this through our hiring.
Harassment and victimisation are not tolerated under any circumstance.


Panmure Liberum is committed to maintaining a safe and secure working environment that protects the psychological and physical health of employees. Employees can expect confidential support and consideration if experiencing any issues impacting their mental wellbeing or physical health.

Our Planet

Panmure Liberum recognises the risk climate change has to the world and the economy, and the role we all must play in tackling this global challenge. With the help of our partner Clear, we are working on better measurement of our greenhouse gas emissions, reducing emissions where possible, and offsetting what cannot be avoided to remain carbon neutral.

Climate Policy

Panmure Liberum itself does not produce high GHG emissions. The London office runs off 100% renewable energy, with most Scope 1 and 2 emissions limited to the heating of the offices. The majority of our emissions come from Scope 3, specifically employee commuting and business travel. However, the pandemic dramatically reduced the Company’s Scope 3 emissions, and we now measure the mileage of business-related travel as well as other scope 3 emissions. Through the use of offsets, Liberum Capital became carbon neutral in 2020 (using analysis from Clear to calculate our emissions) and going forward as Panmure Liberum, we will continue to offset emissions we cannot reduce in the future. Nevertheless, we aim to reduce our primary emissions where possible in order to rely less and less on offsets over time. 

We are committed to reducing office waste and being eco-friendly. We endeavour to limit our landfill contribution by encouraging recycling and through conscious purchasing decisions. More details on our climate policy can be provided on request by emailing info@panmureliberum.com


Diverse planting

Diverse planting

Various plants have been selected to increase the diversity of the landscaping and the proportions of native/naturalised species present, for the benefit of native wildlife. This has included wildflower seed mixes to ‘over-seed’ the cradle tracks, ground cover species, such as snowdrop and crocus, and additional shrubs, including dogwood and holly. As well as improving conditions for local biodiversity, species selections have been made with aesthetic appeal in mind (colour, structure).

Bee hotels

Bee hotels

There is a growing recognition that solitary bees (including species such as mason and leaf-cutter bees) are in decline across the wider countryside. Many solitary bees like to nest in materials such as brick mortar, sand walls and trees (both living and dead). The bee hotels have been specifically designed to accommodate these species (and other invertebrates), providing a wide range of different habitat types and conditions, both externally and internally within the structure. They have also been designed with the occupiers in mind, creating a feature of visual interest in keeping with the design of the well-maintained terrace areas.

Insect boxes

Insect boxes

These boxes provide a summer-time home for a range of beneficial insect species and over-wintering shelter for species such as ladybirds and lacewings. To encourage their take up and optimal use, the boxes are best sited in sun (or partial shade) and close to a nectar and pollen sources for the inhabiting insects.

Bird boxes

Bird boxes

A range of lightweight wooden nest boxes have been provided for common urban bird species that are already likely to use the landscaped terrace areas on occasion. Whilst the landscaping provides them with a variety of food sources, in the form of plant seeds and insects, there is little opportunity for permanent shelter within these areas. The boxes will allow for nesting great and blue tit, house sparrow and/or wren.

Bird baths

Bird baths

Water is an essential part of the daily requirements of all forms of biodiversity, from insects to birds to mammals. Whilst the landscaped terraces provide opportunities for food, there is little or no permanent provision of water. These bird baths, concealed within the terrace vegetation, will allow for the more permanent presence of biodiversity and/or help to attract this in from elsewhere. It may also accommodate other types of aquatic-borne insects, which form the preferred prey of aerial predators, such as bats.

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Liberum foundation

Supporting our communities

We aim to be a positive impact company, making a meaningful contribution to the communities around us. Our clients and employees can be proud to be a part of an organisation that contributes to society through its approach to communities and the environment.

We encourage our employees to join in regular fundraisers ranging from charity bike rides and runs to toy drives and book donations.

The Panmure Liberum Foundation

Panmure Liberum has an active involvement in the community it is based in. By supporting the Panmure Liberum Foundation, we are able to make a positive impact in London. The Foundation is registered with the Charity Commission, and was set up to provide support and financial assistance for the disadvantaged. It has supported a variety of causes since inception, with a focus on young people and improving their prospects.  Each year various fundraising events are held in order to support projects relating to our anchor charities and other deserving causes. To date we have raised over £1m. Panmure Liberum staff are encouraged to participate in a variety of ways, and we continually look for long-term solutions to the challenges faced by disadvantaged children and young people in London. 

Our anchor charities are currently School Home Support and Place2Be

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Ropemaker Place, Level 12 25 Ropemaker Street London EC2Y 9LY info@panmureliberum.com +44 (0)20 3100 2000


Northspring, 36 Park Row Leeds, LS1 5JL info@panmureliberum.com +44 (0)113 841 9700


50-60 Station Road Cambridge, CB1 2JH info@panmureliberum.com +44 (0)20 3100 2000
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New York

20th Floor 575 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10017 info@panmureliberum.com +1 212 596 4800